Doctor shopping refers to the practice of visiting multiple doctors to obtain prescription medications without their knowledge of each other's prescriptions. Doctor shopping can result in a prescription fraud charge and potential penalties. Learn more about...
prescription fraud
Medication management and avoiding prescription drug overdoses
As healthcare professionals, it's your duty to ensure that your patients receive the best possible care. However, with the opioid epidemic becoming a major public health crisis, prioritizing proper medication management is more critical than ever. Patients prescribed...
Is it a crime to see more than one doctor?
Maintaining good health must be one of your top priorities in life. After all, if you are not feeling well, you might not be able to work, take care of your children or enjoy your hobbies. Luckily, today's doctors have a variety of tools for diagnosing and treating...
Different forms of prescription fraud
Painkillers, CNS, stimulants, anti-depressants and other medications help hundreds of thousands of people every single day. However, there are also many people who abuse these medications. Unfortunately, drug addiction and abuse exist even within the healthcare...
What are the types of prescription drug fraud?
Texas law takes prescription drug fraud very seriously. The state recognizes varying types of prescription fraud and classifies the charges based on multiple factors. Types of prescription drug fraud Every prescription drug fraud case has some variation in...
How can pharmacists remain aware of prescription fraud?
When working as a pharmacist, you may meet patients who doctor shop and seek medication they either do not need or amounts of medication they do not need. As a pharmacist, you must protect your patients and avoid a prescription fraud charge. Understanding the common...
What to know when facing a prescription fraud charge in Texas
Some Texas residents hold valid prescriptions for certain drugs. Others obtain, or attempt to obtain, prescription drugs through illegal methods. Offenses involving prescription drugs are serious in nature, and if authorities charge you with one, you may face serious...
Pharmacy shopping: What you should know
If you take prescription medications, you may prefer to have all of your prescriptions at one pharmacy. Not only does this make it easier for you to keep your medications organized, but it helps the pharmacist and doctor detect drug interactions or inconsistencies in...
Conspiracy charges filed against health care professionals
Federal officials may file conspiracy charges when at least two health care professionals agree to engage in an unlawful act. Cornell Law’s website notes that conspiracy requires that two or more individuals act together with the intent to accomplish an agreed-upon...
Calling in a false prescription can lead to jail time
While technology makes electronic prescribing easy and efficient, many medical professionals continue to call in prescriptions for patients. Calling the pharmacy is quick and convenient if a patient needs a prescription fast or if a doctor is not in the office. Some...