Pretrial diversion programs, also known as deferred prosecution or pretrial intervention programs, are alternative options to traditional criminal court proceedings. These programs aim to divert eligible defendants away from the criminal justice system and into...
Fighting For The Underdog
Month: April 2024
Possible penalties for drug offenses
Drug offenses are serious matters that can have significant consequences. Along with the impact on your personal and professional life, drug offenses can also incur major legal penalties. If you face accusations of a drug offense, understanding the possible...
What is the role of the Health Care Fraud Unit?
Healthcare fraud involves various illegal activities that impact the healthcare system. Dedicated agencies throughout all levels of government investigate these issues. One of the major players is the Health Care Fraud Unit within the U.S. Department of Justice's...
The consequences of a pharmacist stealing medication
Pharmacists play an important role in ensuring the safe distribution of medications to patients. However, when a pharmacist decides to steal, it can lead to severe consequences for both the individual and the community they serve. Understanding the consequences of a...