Fighting For The Underdog

Fighting For The Underdog

Why are opioids so addictive?

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2022 | drug offenses | 0 comments

While some opioids have legitimate medical uses, they still carry a high risk of addiction and dependence. These drugs work via endorphin release, which helps control pain caused by injury or illness.

Opioid abuse and misuse will not only lead to serious legal issues, it can also negatively impact your health and wellness. This guide explains signs to watch for if you’re struggling with drug use.

Short and long-term effects

Opioids cause a feeling of euphoria when a person first begins taking them. This has much to do with the endorphin release described above, which floods the brain with chemicals that induce a feeling of pleasure. In addition to lessening physical pain, they also have a significant psychological effect.

Over time, people build up a tolerance to opioids. This requires a stronger dose just to feel the same rush of good feelings. If the person continues using, they must take opioids just to feel normal and to stave off the negative effects of withdrawal.

Risk factors

Virtually anyone can get addicted to opioids if taken over an extended period of time. However, some circumstances increase the risk of addiction. One major factor with legal medications is taking the drug incorrectly, such as taking more to elicit a euphoric feeling.

There are also many external factors that come into play with addiction. People with a history of substance abuse, either personally or in their families, have a greater risk of developing addiction issues. People experiencing a great deal of stress, as well as those suffering from mental health issues, also have a higher risk. Poverty, youth, and unemployment can also increase the chance of a substance abuse problem.

Being aware of the effect opioids can have on your body and mind can help you identify emerging addiction issues. If you feel you no longer have control of your drug use and want help, seek the assistance of a medical professional to discuss rehabilitation and counseling.

