Fighting For The Underdog

Fighting For The Underdog

Is it illegal to take someone else’s prescription?

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2022 | drug offenses | 0 comments

Though not many people consider prescription drugs in the same mental category as street drugs, they can actually hold similarly large legal repercussions. Purchasing from an unauthorized source or borrowing from friends could lead to serious legal issues.

It is important to understand the law and how it relates to the possession of prescription drugs that do not belong to you.

Potential fraud charges

State laws of Texas discuss the regulations of certain pharmaceuticals. In many states, a person possessing a prescription they do not own could face drug charges. In fact, some types of medication such as narcotic pain relievers actually fall under the classification of controlled substances. This means that the law looks at them the same way it looks at cocaine or methamphetamines.

You could also get charged with illegally obtaining prescriptions, which is a type of fraud. Such fraud charges can include using fake prescriptions to get medicine, using a Schedule II medicine prescribed to someone else, and obtaining controlled substances if it is not a medical necessity.

Penalties you may face

The penalties that you could face for these crimes differ based on the type of infraction you end up charged with. Factors that impact the penalty can include the time of substance found, the amount that you had on your person or in your possession at the time of your arrest, and whether or not you had the intention to take it.

However, they are often much harsher than people anticipate. You can end up facing enormous fines that could bankrupt you, or even time in jail. This is why it is crucial to treat such charges seriously.

